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Basic Oscillator Stuffed Parts

C18, C20 & C27 = .1uf  A different style from photo are should be used so I can tell them apart if you took a photo of your board.

With the two 3 x 3 oscillator section boards stuffed you want to determine which board has the sweeter waveform. This board will be used for the Pitch generation along with using the Lev Antenna.

Place leads at the HE-1 terminal in the +9v & gnd. This could be a >= 10k resistor or a non-electrolytic capacitor just to use its leads.

Place a jumper wire across C & D at the ABCD terminal. This grounds the L1 shield for a warmer sound.

Testing can be done with Pot-4 installed, if installed set it to halfway. The jumper wire seen under Pot-4 allows a board mounted Pot to adjust in either direction for personal preference. You could mount a terminal here for a remote Pot-4 using a  twisted wire pair. If a terminal is mounted place a 470 ohm resistor across it for temporary circuit testing.

Place your two PCB's if you stuffed two boards with an AM Radio on a piece of ~12" x 12" aluminum foil with typing paper over it for insulation. Alligator clip the foil to the negative side of the 9 volt battery. This test helps give you understand in how the RF tuning for the Null point is done once you have your setup complete using the Lev Antenna.

See the setup photo at the bottom of this page

Use alligator clips to attach a 9v battery to the pcb, getting the polarity backward will not hurt anything just switch the connection so it works. Use another alligator lead and connect the foil to the negative battery side.

No earth ground or antenna is used or connected for this experiment.

Test: Power the boards one at a time to make sure they work. On the board connected to power adjust the IFT coil L2 until you hear a quieting spot show up over your AM Radio which is tuned to around 870 kHz.

Now adjust IFT coil L1 to this same spot and the heterodyne whistle will show up. The Null Point is where the Pitch whistle goes quiet then the tone rises again on the opposite side of the quiet spot.

This is the most "exciting" moment in theremin building . . . Heterodyning!!!

Move your finger near the top of Q1 and it should push the Pitch whistle lower, if the pitch rises you’re on the wrong side of the Null Point. Readjust L1 to the other side of the quiet spot which is also known as the Null Point. The Pitch whistle will rise on either side of the Null Point when tuning L1. Adjust to the side that gives you the proper response direction which is the Pitch rising as you approach the antenna.

If one of the oscillators does not have a quiet spot over the AM Radio and heterodyning does not occur while tuning re-check the part values and soldering on that oscillator.

Do this process on both PCB's.

Volume Control needs a spikier or rougher waveform.   Peek at the Volume Control webpage.

The time has come to complete the board stuffing of the 5.2 x 3 section parts. The theremin tone will blast out the Out-2B jack into your amplifier once the IC's are installed. The same quick test above could be repeated once the full board is stuffed without the antennas or earth ground connected. The Output whistle is then taken from Out-2B, no radio. The radio is a great troubleshooting tool in the future to hear if the oscillators are working. If tapping the top of one of the transistors causes a whistle over the radio then it is that sides IF coil that needs to be turned clockwise slightly.

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Start Building Tuning Peripherals
Step #1
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3 x 3 Board Test
Tune With AM Radio
Lev Antenna 
For Perfect Pitch Field Linearity
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Pitch Control
Setup & Proper Wave Shape
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 Template to Drill Wood Holes
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Theremin Pitch Tuner
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